It has been a long while since I've done a graphics related post, so here is a bit of a backlog from the last few months of graphics and GPU links:
Finally, I'll leave you with a fantastic 64kb demo by Fairlight and Alcatraz that placed 2nd at Assembly 2011. - Doom 3 source code
- Kevin Karsh's work on rendering objects into photos is definitely worth a look if you haven't already seen it.
- GTK now supports a HTML5 target.
- PowerVR have a great collection of articles, a nice resource to add alongside nVidia and AMD's developer zones.
- OpenCL 1.2 was released.
- Sfera an open source OpenCL realtime pathtracing game
- A great projection onto a building facade in Berlin.
- WebCL has been making good progress. Nokia released a WebCL plugin.
- Epic Games posted a nice long video of the work involved in creating content for Gears of War.
- Fixstars released a short OpenCL programming book
- Content for CMU Graphics and Imaging Architectures have been released.
- Javascript info toolkit makes awesome visualizations of charts, graphs, and trees.
- Progress is being made to run OpenCL on a FPGA by Altera.
- Xnormal creates normal maps, and now supports OpenRL.
- A nice tutorial on generating texture maps with noise using shaders.
- Disney's open source collection has been updated - uv-less texture mapping, scripting/server tools, particle file formats, and the Dynamica Maya plug-in for the Bullet physics engine.
- Intel SPMD v1.1 parallel compiler was released.
- Intel's OpenCL SDK has seen a number of updates.
- Intel Cilk is a new parallel extension for C++.
- Cuda performance primitives has reached release 2.0
- Adarapi lets you write OpenCL with Java.
- A nice description of the GIF file format
- A new release of ShaderMinifier to help reduce your shader file size.
- GL intercept is a nifty tool that logs all your applications OpenGL calls.
- PARSE research group have a number of interesting GPU image processing projects, including Hough Transforms and Speed Sign Detection.
- TideArt has interesting graphics related articles and tutorials.