- Ange Albertini put together a fantastic overview of the Windows Portable Executable (PE) file format. He also has a great page on x86 oddities.
- OS Dev has a short tutorial on writing an Operating System kernel in the D programming language
- Leo Meyerovich and Ari Rabkin have an amazing interactive visualization and comparison of different programming languages
- If you haven't visited Rosetta Code for a while there are now a very large comparison of programming tasks in multiple languages
- Google Blocky is a visual web-based programming language. Drag & drop function blocks together.
- LuaJIT is a just in time compiler for Lua.
- Lua Development Kit is a eclipse plugin to provide a Lua IDE.
- Microsoft have relased Roslyn compiler API letting you interact with the Microsoft compilers intermediary language.
- Marc Feeley wrote a one file tiny c compiler.
- Clang has a free Static Analyzer for C and Objective C programs. (has XCode support).
- Andy Wingo wrote an indepth post inspecting the Google V8 javascript optimizing compiler
- SLOCCount is a neat tool for calculating the number of Lines of Code in your project, and other metrics. Other great tools for software metrics and code counting are CCCC, CMT and the C metrics collection.
- LCOV is a graphical front-end for the gcov code coverage testing tool.
- Very Sleepy windows profiler v0.8 has been released.
- Lucas van Dijk has a short tutorial on threads with C++11
- The Google Chrome Framework is quite comprehensive and multiplatform.
- Folly (Facebook Open Source Library) provides a number of extensions over the STL and C++11.
- The POCO library provides a solid framework for applications with signal/slots, zip, cryptography, database, logging, networking, and multiprocessing functions. The basic and complete editions are free and open source, however the professional edition is commercial.
- Ian Boyd has a great post on Hasing functions. Murmur hash gives good results as it is fast to compute and results in very few collisions. (CRC32 provides less collisions though)
- Santhosh Kumar wrote an interesting post on exact string match using the Burrows Wheeler transform, which includes a good visual description of the BWT (used often for compression).
- John Cook has a small collection of random number generators for C++, C# and Python including gamma, Weibull, Chi-square, Student-t, Cauchy, etc, etc.
- miniz is a single file compression library for ZLIB, ZIP and PNG files.
- XZ Embedded is a small decompressor for the XZ file format for embedded platforms.
- μSynergy is a lightweight embedded client for Synergy (mouse sharing).
- Quinten Lansu wrote a fantastic tutorial on serialisation using Google's Protobuf
- Some nice examples of how to generate various google maps including geocodes, events, markers, routes, etc.
- Steve Hanov has a post on A/B testing.
- The Unity test framework for C is fairly easy to use.
- AlgoWiki has a nice collection of algorithms
- And finally, David Joyner, Minh Van Nguyen, and Nathann Cohen have released an free open source book on graph algorithms covering everyones favourites from Dijkstra and Floyd-Roy-Warshall to Huffman codes, Priority queues, and specific problems such as graph coloring and travelling salesman.
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53 minutes ago
why do you write that poco is commercial?
Hi Harald,
Because it has an evaluation download:
and a 'buy' button. However I will clarify that the basic edition is free, as I can see how that is misleading.
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