Some popular choices include:
- CMake - a 'cross-platform' make, popular with a lot of projects. (We use it in PAL thanks to Benoit Neil's contributions). My gripe with CMake is its complexity. The fact that there is a complete book to describe it is a scary thought.
- Premake - is a less popular choice (a few large projects use it, eg: ODE, PAL previously used it). It uses Lua-script, and it is my personal favourite due to its simplicity whilst still being very powerful. Premake is a bit windows-orientated, which helped me as I came from a Windows development background.
- bjam, the boost build system. I've not used this one too much, but it is apparently decent.
- scons, a python-based build system. I've not used it much, but it seems quite complex. (Evan Drumwright developed an scons build system for a PAL benchmark tool)
solution "NAME" configurations {"Debug", "Release"} targetdir "bin" language "C++" location "build" includedirs {"src", "."} project "NAME" kind "ConsoleApp" files {"src/*.cpp"} links {"lib"}
Simply invoke with "premake vs2008" for windows, or "premake gmake" under *nix.
The lua script lets you easily extend the script to copy DLL's, set up custom include paths for each user, etc, etc.
This should help you get started with cross-platform build solutions!
Thanks for the nice review. Glad you find Premake useful!