Thursday, November 03, 2005

Updated MP3 tagger

Updated my shell based MP3 tagger.

Fixed up since search engine went down, so I was suprised to see my program crash since it had been stable for a while now. I guess this just goes to show you how hard it is to write a fault tolerant program. You might think a website may go down, and consider that, but what if part of a website goes down...

Anyway added a few features, here's the list of updates:

  • 1.12: Allow direct url search (paste in a url to manual search option), search engine down error message bug fix.
  • 1.11: Error message if Discogs search engine is down, also added display of current directory in help.

On the fault tolerance note, you'd think when you bugfix something to make your program fault tolerant you'd do it right. But no, clasic example of a bugfix introducing new bugs - it would now incorrectly detect certain artist releases as failed search results. *sigh*. *fixed*.

I'll upload it all once I can confirm it still actually works with the new search engine update..

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